Because of the low readability of my letter form design I don’t think it could be used as a widely commercial typeface. This is why I decided to look outside the box for the purpose and audience for my design. My desired audience are people interested in ornate design and horror or body horror at least although I’m willing to keep the audience quite broad. People who are interested in the following ‘purposes’ for my letterform will probably be also intrigued. Here’s a list of some of the ways I think my letter forms could be used for. Because I’m developing two letter forms at the moment some purposes only apply to one typeface.
Both of my designs can be used for a cover page of a comic book such as The Unwritten:
Both of my letter form designs can be used as Drop Caps:
The Dismembered Letters design can be used as a tattoo flash:
Or an Art Deco tattoo flash:
My collage can be used for creative magazines in the style of Ray Gun: