Synopsis Brief 4


Anxious Amy


    Anxious Amy is a short story about a five year old girl called Amy who suffers from Social Anxiety Disorder. On Monday Amy has to go to her primary school which she dreads the nights before, in the mornings and after school. Amy doesn’t like getting out of the house very much and interacting with other people. Every time she has to she gets very anxious. She’s scared when she has to participate in school activities. Sometimes she even  sweats and can’t breathe very well. The book takes the reader through the tough day in Amy’s life. Sadly for Amy most days are like this one…


– Inform children about Social Anxiety Disorder.

– Show children that they’re not isolated because of their Social Anxiety Disorder and that other people have similar emotions which can be dealt with.

– Produce a picture book suitable for children aged 5-6.

Page Breakdown

These are subject to change throughout the development process.


Has the title Anxious Amy written in large text. Amy is centered on the cover and is surrounded by situations that make her anxious.

Page 1-2

Page 1 includes Amy curled up in her bed hiding behind her duvet. Next to her is a night stand with an alarm clock going off. Her eyes are wide open and she’s shaking. There’s a text saying ‘Time to wake up and go to school!’ Page 2 showcases Amy’s worries about going to school which involves past events and things she thinks might happen and embarrass her such as tripping on her way to write something on the blackboard.

Page 3-4

Page 3 includes Amy standing in the middle of a crowd. Page 4 has text saying ‘hahahahaha…’ taking up most of the space.

Page 5-6

On page 5 Amy is counting to ten in order to make her worries go away. She is surrounded by negative thoughts such as believing that people are laughing at her rather than at a joke in their conversation. The text reads ‘1,2,3…’ On page 6 Amy has her eyes open and there are no more negative thoughts surrounding her. She is smiling.

Rear Cover

Is mostly empty and has the protagonist curled up in the corner of the cover.

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